This game is really addicting, and one thing I want to say is that the mechanics of a launch/toss game have never been so unique and complex, which is good! At the first it looks very hard and pure bs, but mastering it is so satisfying and really reward full.
The music is good... but forgettable, and thanks good its not annoying, is like the graphics, Karate Man and the Business Man are well animated, but the fact that the ninjas have no animation and thers no special backgroung, it feels odd, and most of the time you dont even see the cars blowing up, there isnt much going on expect for a guy flying (still pretty fun, enough to keep your eyes very busy).
Speaking of the ninjas, holly shit they are a pain in the ass, you have to click them to have a change to score high, they are worst than the cops of Burrito Bison Revenge.
Also, this game just took me some hours to complete 100%, its fine, this game has no story mode, and no need to, but replayability gets kinda lots because theres no other mode excetp for punching the 3 guys endlessly (and no medals), so it really makes the game shorter, which is also ok, but most launch games takes me one day of playing to finish the story mode, and even more time to get all upgrades (like Berserk Bal 2). I think this is fine considering that in most of this games your beginning stats are somewhat significant to get a good score, and a mire 0.01% upgrade has a bigger impact, not only visual but gameplay wise, here, its much more harder to get a good score at the start, and to see the upgrades to really make a difference.
But with all that considered, its still a really cool game, is not unfair or overly conplicated, is just challeging, in a good way! You have to punch that man really hard, avoid that briefcase (or even break it!), CLICK THOSE DAMN NINJAS, time everything right, know when to use those flying kick, and in a short time of playing, and mastering, only than, you may have a slight chance to feast upon the purest madness of Mad Karate Man.